Research report: Towards a coherent energy transition: expanding renewable energy and reducing inequalities in Australia

This report explores synergies and tensions between the expansion of renewable energy and efforts to reduce inequalities in Australia. Our case study centres on the rollout of Renewable Energy Zones in New South Wales under the state’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, with a focus on the extent to which regional communities have an opportunity to participate in decision-making about renewable energy projects and to benefit from those projects.
The study forms part of a nine-country research initiative funded by the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Formas) that explores policy coherence in national implementation of climate change commitments under the Paris Agreement and progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Policy coherence refers to an approach to policy-making that seeks to minimise conflicts among policy objectives and maximise synergies among them.
The report builds on discussions at a workshop held at the University of Sydney (co-convened with the Sydney Environment Institute) in September 2023 which brought together around 30 researchers and practitioners in person and online. An accompanying blog post summarises key themes from the workshop. The report and workshop also led to a submission (pdf, 162KB) to a Community Engagement Review being coordinated by the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner.
Comments on the report are welcome. For any feedback, please contact Jonathan Pickering (